The latest mind-boggling puzzle features an ace of spades hidden among a deck of cards … and people cannot deal. TEST your peepers and see if you can track down the ace of spades in this busy picture stumping internet users. FANCY yourself as a bit of a “gambling man”? We bet it’ll take you a while to track down the ace of spades in the mind-muddling picture. The internet just can’t deal with the latest card-based puzzler to challenge the web. The frustratingly difficult brainteaser was designed by is the hope of giving people something to do on their holidays. Spokesman Greg Tatton-Brown said: “We’ve come up with a few puzzles in the past that we thought were difficult, but this ups the ante. “You’ll have to be a real ace to find the ace that we’ve hidden — anything under 60 seconds is fairly impressive.” But have you managed to located the hidden ace? Don’t worry if you’re struggling — we’ve got the answer at the bottom of the page This isn’t the firs
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